Our Mission: “Provide for and continuously improve the health, happiness and fortunes

of the homeless and abandoned cats and dogs in Monroe County”

Any questions, please email us: info@MonroeCountyFriendsofAnimals.org

Pet Food Assistance Program

Monroe County Friends of Animals Pet Food Assistance Program is a way to help pet owners in Monroe County temporarily meet the needs of their pets during today’s difficult times.

Program Qualification:

Interested parties must currently be receiving Local, State, or Federal Assistance. Applications must be filled out on the last Tuesday of the month, noon until supplies are gone at the First United Methodist Church, 143 College Street, Madisonville (upper level). We are located in the gravel parking  lot of the church; please do not go into the church as they are not responsible for the food.  If the food pantry date falls on a holiday, we usually move it to the next available day, depending on schedules.

Program Details:

  • Pet food is only available on the last Tuesday of the month, from noon until two (or supplies are gone). Supplies are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Please come early … supplies are frequently gone within the first 30 minutes.
  • Only ONE member of a household may apply for and receive pet food.
  • Pet food will be provided for no more than three pets.
  • Owners must show proof that all of their pets are spayed and neutered.
  • Owners may not add ANY pets to their household while they are receiving food from the pet pantry.
  • Eastbourne Animal Center has a right to deny a pet food request at any time for any reason.

Donations of food can be dropped off at the Animal Center or at Food City in Vonore
(donation barrel by the customer service desk)

Please Note:

This program is not designed to be a pet owner’s sole source of pet food, but rather to temporarily supplement their efforts.